Flipper provides this feature to allow distribution of private
plugins, which are not published to
Plugin discoveryβ
Plugins which are supported by currently connected app/device, will be listed under "Detected in app" section in sidebar. This significantly help users to discover useful plugins for their app.
Plugin auto-updateβ
Once plugin is installed, it will also keep updating to latest version.
Enable Marketplaceβ
Setup serverβ
Instead of hosting plugins on npm server, we need to provide custom server, which will provide a list of internal plugins.
It is recommended to connect this server with internal package registry (to allow providing latest version).
Here is a example implementation of server using Verdaccio as package registry: marketplace-server-example.
Enable marketplaceβ
Open Flipper settings and enter the URL to your Flipper marketplace server. It is also adviced to toggle ON the Enable auto update