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Flipper provides this feature to allow distribution of private plugins, which are not published to

Plugin discovery​

Plugins which are supported by currently connected app/device, will be listed under "Detected in app" section in sidebar. This significantly help users to discover useful plugins for their app.

Install plugins

Plugin auto-update​

Once plugin is installed, it will also keep updating to latest version.

Enable Marketplace​

Setup server​

Instead of hosting plugins on npm server, we need to provide custom server, which will provide a list of internal plugins.

It is recommended to connect this server with internal package registry (to allow providing latest version).

Here is a example implementation of server using Verdaccio as package registry: marketplace-server-example.

Enable marketplace​

Open Flipper settings and enter the URL to your Flipper marketplace server. It is also adviced to toggle ON the Enable auto update.

Install plugins