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Development Setup


When developing Flipper plugins, the following IDEs are recommended:

  • TypeScript (for Flipper Desktop (plugins)): Visual Studio Code
    • Install the "ESLint" (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) extension from marketplace to enable linting.
    • Install the "Prettier" (esbenp.prettier-vscode) extension to enable automatic code-formatting.
    • If for some reason it is not working, the builtin TypeScript extension might be disabled. To enable it, to go to extensions, search for “@builtin typescript” and enable it.
  • Android Studio (for Android plugins).
  • XCode (for iOS plugins).

When developing Flipper plugins, it's strongly recommended to run from Flipper itself from source as well, as this yields the following benefits:

  • Automatic transpilation and bundling of loaded plugins: ES6, TypeScript, JSX.
  • Automatic refresh after code changes.
  • React and Redux Dev Tools.
  • Debugging using Chrome Dev Tools or Visual Studio Code.
  • Additional debug information like React warnings and performance metrics.

Prerequisites for a Flipper development build:

  • node ≥ 14
  • yarn ≥ 1.5
  • git
  • watchman

To run Flipper Desktop from source:

git clone
cd flipper/desktop
yarn start

Start with yarn start --fast-refresh for experimental fast refreash.

Startup options

You can use several options to customise development build instance. They can be provided as command-line args or environment variables.

You can check all of them by executing yarn start --help:

yarn start [args]

--embedded-plugins Enables embedding of plugins into Flipper bundle. If it
disabled then only installed plugins are loaded. The
flag is enabled by default. Env var
FLIPPER_NO_EMBEDDED_PLUGINS is equivalent to the
command-line option "--no-embedded-plugins". [Boolean]
--fast-refresh Enable Fast Refresh - quick reload of UI component
changes without restarting Flipper. The flag is disabled
by default. Env var FLIPPER_FAST_REFRESH is equivalent
to the command-line option "--fast-refresh". [Boolean]
--plugin-auto-update [FB-internal only] Enable plugin auto-updates. The flag
is disabled by default in dev mode. Env var
FLIPPER_NO_PLUGIN_AUTO_UPDATE is equivalent to the
command-line option "--no-plugin-auto-update" [Boolean]
--enabled-plugins Load only specified plugins and skip loading rest. This
is useful when you are developing only one or few
plugins. Plugins to load can be specified as a
comma-separated list with either plugin id or name used
as identifier, e.g. "--enabled-plugins
network,inspector". The flag is not provided by default
which means that all plugins loaded. [array]
--open-dev-tools Open Dev Tools window on startup. The flag is disabled
by default. Env var FLIPPER_OPEN_DEV_TOOLS is equivalent
to the command-line option "--open-dev-tools". If
"FLIPPER_UPDATE_DEV_TOOLS=true" is set additionally,
Flipper will try to update the dev tools from the play
store. [Boolean]
--dev-server-port Dev server port. 3000 by default. Env var "PORT=3001" is
equivalent to the command-line option "--dev-server-port
3001". [number] [default: 3000]
--version Show version number [Boolean]
--help Show help [Boolean]

You can also create an .env file in the desktop subfolder and specify any environment variables to load them automatically on yarn start so you don't need to pass command-line args every time:


Guidelines for writing TypeScript

  • Install 3rd party type definitions as dev dependency (for example, yarn add @types/lodash --dev)

Submitting a diff / PR

Make sure your new functionality is covered with tests and run yarn test or yarn test --watch in the desktop/ directory to verify that they pass.

See the testing page for more details on writing and running tests.

To ensure you don't get any lint/formatting errors, run yarn lint before submitting your diff. Some errors (especially formatting errors) can be auto-fixed by running yarn fix